Maso Tour
Moena, Agritur El Mas | Every Wednesday, from June 10th to the end of September - 4.00 pm
Maso Tour
Moena | Agritur ElMas
Every Wednesday, from June 10th to the end of September - 4.00 pm
Guided by the local guides, you will walk from the town centre through the ancient district "Ciajeole", among capitals, a small church and old barns, and then up towards "Roncac", a panoramic balcony that overlooks the beautiful hollow of Moena, the Fairy of the Dolomites, and San Pellegrino valley. Through an easy, grassy path you will reach the hill "Col dei Soldai" and the holiday farm "El Mas", built using green building techniques and inaugurated in 2013, with a magnificent view towards the peaks of Sass da Mesodì, Lusia, Monzoni, Roda de Vael and Sassolungo.
The farmhouse is built taking inspiration from ancient techniques, preferring the use of raw timber. The central building hosts the restaurant and the rooms, whilst next to it there’s the stable, starting point of your journey through taste and rural traditions.
Guided by the landlord, Michelangelo, you will visit the "Cajelo" (the cheese factory), to find out more about the production and the refining of the unmistakeable cheeses of the farm, strictly zero-food-miles. Following, a delicious snack in an atmosphere of bygone times.
- 27€ adulti
- 15€ bambini 4/12 anni
- fino a 3 anni gratuito
La quota include passeggiata guidata, visita al maso, dalla stalla al caseificio e degustazione narrata di formaggi
Prenotazione obbligatoria online cliccando QUI
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