Strada dei Formaggi
Apple “Peta”
Torta di pane raffermo e mele
- 300 gr di pane raffermo
- 500 gr di latte trentino
- 2 uova
- 3 mele Golden della Val di Non
- 100 gr di uvetta sultanina
- 140 gr di zucchero
- mezza scorza di limone
- burro q.b.
- zucchero
This is a quick, simple cake that uses leftover bread and is a hit with all ages. In the Trentino area it is called “peta de pan”’ (bread cake) and can be sweet with apples or savoury with cheese and speck.
Preparation: put the bread in a large bowl and bathe it with milk, let stand for at least an hour. Put the raisins in tepid water or Marsala or other liqueur. Peel and slice the apples, add the well-drained raisins and two tablespoons of sugar and the grated lemon rind. Beat 2 whole eggs with the sugar. Use a fork to mash the milk-soaked bread (you can use your hands to mix better), add the apples, raisins and beaten eggs mixing gently. Pour the batter in a buttered pan and bake at 180°C for about 45 min. Dust with powdered sugar when cool.
Excellent as a snack or for breakfast with a nice glass of milk.