Mousse di castagne alla grappa
Logo Trentino
Strada del Vino

Grappa spiked Chestnut Mousse



  • 700 gr di castagne lessate
  • 150 gr di cioccolato fondente
  • 150 gr di burro di malga
  • 130 gr di zucchero
  • 1 bicchierino di grappa barricata
  • a piacere: bicchierini di cioccolato, panna e amarene 

Purée the chestnuts. 
Melt the chocolate using bain-marie method, add butter and let melt, stirring continuously.
Add the sugar, the butter mixture, chocolate and grappa to the chestnut purée, mix well to obtain a smooth mousse. 
Fill the minicups (delicious also the  chocolate ones) with the chestnut mousse. 
Cool for at least an hour and serve. 
Upon serving, garnish with a cherry or beat the cream slightly, put in the center and sprinkle with dark chocolate shavings. 
Enjoy a flute of wood-aged grappa with your mousse!