Torta di fregoloti al profumo di bosco
Logo Trentino
Strada del Vino

Red Berry Aroma “Torta di fregoloti”



· 300 gr farina 00

· 100 gr zucchero

· 1 uovo

· 150 gr burro a temperatura ambiente

· 1 bustina lievito per dolci

· 1 bustina vanillina

· 300 gr confettura di mirtilli



• Mix flour, sugar, baking powder and vanilla.
• Add  butter and the egg.
• Mix all the ingredients: shape the crumble with your hands .
• Grease the pan and line it with a first layer of crumble. 
• Cover with the blueberry jam
• Cover with the remaining crumble.
• Bake at 170°C for 30 minutes.
This recipe was offered by Pensione Maria “Turismo Rurale” and Bottega dei Prodotti Tipici during the  Festival del Vino Trentino 2015.
The Torta de fregoloti is a sweet belonging to the Trentino culinary tradition and every valley has its own version.
It has been known since 1700 and is very good accompanied by local grappa.