‘Dolce del Banale’ Christmas cake
400 gr Farina tipo 2 del Lomaso
200 gr Farina di granturco integrale
1 uovo
200 gr Zucchero
150 gr Noci del Bleggio
200r gr burro trentino
15 gr lievito per dolci
q.b scorza di limone grattata
poca Grappa Trentina
Chop up the walnuts. Coarsely dice the butter and work it with the flours in the planetary mixer or with your hands, until it acquires a sand-like consistency.
Add the sugar, baking powder, the walnuts, the lemon peel, the egg and the grappa.
Work the ingredients together in a planetary mixer or even by hand.
When the dough is nicely blended and not too compact (it should have the consistency of large lumps of sand) place it in a previously greased cake tin.
Bake in the oven at 200°C for 30 minutes.
Matched with Prezioso Mirtillo made by Antica Erboristeria dott. Cappelletti
Recipe created and made by:
Alberto Zambanini - Panificio Zambanini (San Lorenzo in Banale)
Do you want to discover the magic of Trentino winter? Enjoy