Strada del Vino
Potato "Casoncelli" (ravioli) with Lagorai mountain dairy cheese and walnut filling
First course
Ingredienti per l'impasto:
1 kg di patate,
100 g di farina 00,
1 cucchiaio di amido (fecola di patate o mais),
1 cucchiaio di burro fuso,
1 tuorlo d'uovo
sale, pepe e noce moscata
Ingredienti per il ripieno:
1 cucchiaio di noci tritate,
2 cucchiai di ricotta,
4 cucchiai di formaggio di malga stagionato, molto saporito
Proceed as for the preparation of the potato gnocchi: cook the potatoes in jackets (steamed or baked). When soft, peel and mash on a wood cutting board. Let cool a few minutes, add part of the flour and then all the other ingredients and mix quickly.
Roll out the dough in a single layer 1/2 cm thick.
Cut out 8 cm diameter disks; put a little filling in the centre of each disk.
Fold the disks over, make large crescent-shaped ravioli and seal the edges with beaten egg white.
Boil the casoncelli, drain as soon as they come to the surface, mix with melted butter flavoured with thyme or sage and grated cheese.
Recipe presented at the Festival del Vino Trentino by chef Riccardo Bosco of the restaurant ‘Boivin’.