Piccoli frutti
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Piccoli nelle dimensioni ma grandi nel gusto

The term ‘berries’ here refers to strawberries, small (wild) strawberries, currants, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries, that are small in size but great in taste and that have always grown spontaneously in our mountains.

Strawberries are cultivated mainly in Val dei Mocheni, Valsugana and Altipiano di Pinè, at altitudes ranging from 500 to 1200 metres above sea level. The same goes for the small (wild) strawberries, the most characteristic of berries.

A special type of raspberry, locally called "ampòmole" fur to their intense colour and slightly elongated shape, grow at altitudes up to 1500 m a.s.l.. From the same family are the blackberries that are shiny black and very juicy.

Red and black blueberries grow in the upper Valle dei Mocheni and on the slopes of the Lagorai range, at over 1000 m a.s.l.. Red, white and black currants instead grow in clusters and their taste changes according to their colour.

All of these berries are excellent ingredients for patisserie and the making of traditional and ice-cream cakes, ice cream and fruit salads, but also nicely accompany savoury dishes.

Fragole, lamponi, mirtilli, ribes, more, ciliegie e persino uva spina … piccoli frutti che nascono nelle valli sino ad alte quote (1500 mt circa), dalla passione di persone che hanno fatto del loro mestiere un’arte. Da gustare al naturale in estate, trasformati in deliziose confetture e salse (ottime in abbinamento a formaggi e carni) o come ingrediente di dolci e crostate ed altre originali ricette. Ed infine da bere come base di succhi, infusi, o distillati dalle mille qualità organolettiche e non solo.