Tortelli di patate del Lomaso con salmerino, salsa di cipolle stufate al nosiola e olio extravergine di oliva DOP Garda Trentino
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Potato Tortelli with char, onion sauce made with nosiola wine and estra virgin olive oil DOP Garda Trentino

First course


Ingredienti per l'impasto dei tortelli di patate:  

800 gr. di patate
200 gr. di farina
60 gr. di fecola di patate
2 uova

Ingredienti per la farcitura: 

600 gr. di filetti di salmerino
1 tuorlo d'uovo
2 foglie di alloro
sale, olio, pepe

Ingredienti per la salsa di cipolle: 

400 gr. di cipolle 
100 gr. di vino Nosiola
3 bacche di ginepro
50 gr. di olio evo
sale e pepe 


Wash and boil potatoes. Mash and, once cooled, mix with the eggs, flour, salt and pepper.
Let the dough rest for 30 min., covering with a damp cloth. 
Clean the char fillet and bake 8-10 minutes at 160°C with oil and bay leaves. Let cool, remove the bay leaves and the fillet skin. Cut with a knife, add salt, pepper and egg yolk.
Clean, wash and chop the onions very thinly, braise with a little oil, a pinch of salt and the juniper berries for 15 min. Bathe with the Nosiola wine and simmer for 15 min. Remove the juniper berries and blend, making an emulsion with extra virgin olive oil. 
Roll out the potato dough and shape the base for the tortello with a round mold. Fill with the chard, fold over and seal.
Boil in salted water for 4-5 minutes.
Sauté briefly in extra virgin olive oil and serve with a tablespoon of onion sauce.

Recipe offered by chef Luca Bombardelli of the restaurant ‘Villetta Annessa’ of Riva del Garda.
A good wine choice for this dish is Nosiola.