Veal cheek with Teroldego flavours
1600 gr guance di vitello
50 gr lamponi disidratati
50 gr riduzione di vino Teroldego
5 gr pepe nero
1 gr chiodi di garofano
10 gr cioccolato fondente extra Guanaja di Valrhona
2 gr chicchi di caffè
800 gr broccoletto violetto
50 gr scalogno
Olio Extra Vergine di Oliva
80 gr zucchero di canna
4 tuorli d’uovo
200 gr passito di Teroldego
Brief Description
This dish was created after a wine-tasting session featuring Teroldego Rotaliano Riserva Clesuræ wine. The dynamics of this dish is to use ingredients like the wine reduction to re-invoke aromatic elements lost in their original or concentrated form, in this case to remind you of blackberry jam, dried blackberries, coffee infusion and chocolate reminiscent of the toasty, spicy taste of the wine ageing barrels. The slow, vacuum-cooking of the meat concentrates the essence and aroma of wine, guaranteeing a soft, tender meat preserving all its nutritional properties. To revisit a renowned dish like the “bollito” (boiled meat) we opted for a slightly sweet-sour sauce, that is a zabaglione made with Teroldego sweet wine, reminding us of the traditional pickled fruit (mostarda) served with boiled meat. The cauliflower purée adds an intense note of colour as well as being creamy and soft.