Visita e Picnic a Castel Nanno
Logo Trentino
Strada della Mela


Castle Nanno - Val di Non | Sunday July 28th, August 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, September 1st

Don't miss a delicious "Castle Pic Nic" in the beautiful park of Castle Nanno inside the picturesque walls surrounding the manor.
On reservation, couples, groups of friends and families can enjoy genuine local products on a deck and in total relax! The outdoor meal will be organized and delivered in a basket at the castle, thanks to the collaboration with the Apples and Flavours Route.
During the picnic the partecipants can enjoy live music.
After the picnic and a short nap, it's possible to visit the castle with a guide.
Cost: adults € 18.00 - children up to 12 years € 13.00 - including castle entrance ticket
Meeting point: starting at 1.00 pm directly at Castle Nanno. Parking at the nearby municipal depot (pink complex) in via Enrico Bergamo 38, 5 minutes walk from the castle.
Info and booking by 12:00 on Saturday: Apt Val di Non - - ??+39 0463830133

6, 13, 20, 27 luglio | 10, 15, 17, 24, 31 agosto - dalle 12.30 

2 ore

Castel Nanno

20 € Adulti 1 panino gourmet +1 insalatina +1dolce+mela+1 bottiglia di acqua o birra artigianale
15 € Bambini pic nic 4-12 anni Menù: 1 panino gourmet+1dolce+1mela+1bottiglia di acqua
8 € Bambino pic nic minori di 4 anni Castel Nanno gratuito, menù pic nic: 1 panino gourmet + 1dolce +1 mela + 1 bottiglietta acqua

Necessario abbigliamento sportivo: t-shirt, pantaloncino corto o costume, cappellino, occhiali scarpe da ginnastica di ricambio(si bagneranno), consigliamo di portare con sè una borraccia d’acqua.

Iscrizione obbligatoria entro le ore 18:00 del giorno precedente - 0463 830133 .